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with or without snow shoes

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If you prefer to explore nature away from the slopes, simply strap on your snowshoes and be enchanted by the snowy winter wonderland. Hike through the idyllic landscape on the mountain or the snow-covered meadows in the valley on snowshoes. Set off into the winter wonderland with a local guide.


Our insider tip: experience magical moments!

The Lesach Valley is the most natural valley in Europe, with twelve different snowshoe hikes that will enchant you with their romantic winter idyll.


Eine Reise zu Spe(c)ktakulären Schlosserlebnissen

Glasklare Winterluft, romantische Wälder und verschneite Wege, der perfekte Ausgleich zum Winter auf der Skipiste. Nachdem wir gemeinsam mit Natur Aktiv Guide Hanni über verschneite Wiesen und durch winterliche Wälder gestapft sind, werden wir vom Schlossherrn und Speckmeister Hans vor dem Schloss Lerchenhof empfangen. Was uns der Schlossherr erzählt klingt wie ein Märchen, ist aber eine romantische Liebesgeschichte aus vergangenen Zeiten. Liebe geht ja durch den Magen und so werden wir noch in die Kunst der Speckveredelung eingeweiht bevor wir köstliche Scheiben des Gailtaler Specks in verschiedenen Varianten verkosten. Krönender Abschluss ist der Blick in die Schatzkammer des Schlosses.


A journey to spectacular castle experiences

Crystal clear winter air, romantic forests and snow-covered paths, the perfect balance of winter on the ski slopes. After trudging across snow-covered meadows and through wintry forests with Natur Aktiv Guide Hanni, we are welcomed by the lord of the castle and bacon master Hans in front of Lerchenhof Castle. What the lord of the castle tells us sounds like a fairy tale, but is actually a romantic love story from times gone by. After all, the way to the heart is through the stomach and so we are introduced to the art of bacon refinement before tasting delicious slices of Gailtal Valley bacon in different varieties. The crowning end is the look into the castle's treasure chamber.

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Stargazing in the Weissensee Nature Park

The starry sky has always held a special fascination for people. In the nature park region, you can see the stars even brighter thanks to the few artificial light sources. Let yourself be enchanted by the power of the sky on a snow shoe hike with trained nature park rangers. Afterwards you will be spoiled with culinary delights at the Naggler Alm.
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All Winter Hiking Tours

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